عضویت در سایت

Sociodemographic determinants of pedometer-determined physic

Sociodemographic determinants of pedometer-determined physical activity among US and Swedish adults: ASUKI Step Study

  Definition of physical activity (PA)

  Physical inactivity

  PA and health

  PA recommendations

 Walking as a PA recommendation

Leonardo da Vinci envisioned a mechanical pedometer as a device with military applications

The Romans used an odometer  calibrated to steps to measure distances for military and civil purposes

Mechanical pedometers are inaccurate at counting steps or measuring distance

Electronic pedometers are reasonably accurate, but may not relate steps to energy expenditure (e.g. running vs walking per time unit)

  1. To enroll at least 1400 staff at each site
  2. To use the pedometer as the main intervention tool
  3. To examine the changes in daily steps over time and to describe the month 1 socio-demographic predictors for the changes in steps over time
  4. To examine the sociodemographic characteristics associated with meeting the goal of 10,000 steps/day for at least 100 days
  5. To examine changes in objectively measured PA over time in a subset of individuals and the socio-demographic characteristics associated with baseline PA and changes over time
  6. To estimate how helpful a six-month pedometer-determined PA intervention in university settings can be in regards to changes in BP, and CRF
  7. To estimate how helpful a six-month pedometer-determined PA intervention in  university settings can be in regards to changes in anthropometric measures